Nidderdale Community Welcome is seeking a home for a refugee family. We offer significant benefits for private landlords. We’re looking for a 2, 3 or 4-bedroom property near a bus route in Nidderdale, ideally near Pateley Bridge, with a garden.
Long-term tenancy
We need a property which can be available to the family for a minimum of 2 years, but the arrangement could easily extend for much longer. This offers certainty for you, and avoids the cost and disruption of changing tenants regularly.
Reliable tenancy
To remain in the UK, the refugee family must not get into any trouble. So for landlords, that means no crime, no midnight flits, no antisocial behavior, no cannabis farms, no mattresses/vehicles dumped in the garden...
Reliable tenants
Members of our team have experience of supporting up refugee families. Without exception, we know that the refugee families keep their homes scrupulously clean, neat and tidy.
Reliable rental income
As part of their resettlement package, the family is entitled to Housing Benefit. This means security of income for you. The family can pay the following monthly rent:
2 bedrooms: £663.17
3 bedrooms: £792.82
4 bedrooms: £1,067.08
We don’t yet know what size family we will welcome, the Home Office and UNHCR will choose a family based on the number of bedrooms we can offer.
No estate agents’ fees
Deal direct with us and you could cut out any one-off or monthly fees with your estate agent, if you so choose. We can use or adapt any standard tenancy agreement that you approve.
Support from our charity
We’ll be providing long-term support for the family who’d be your tenants. So we can be your first point of contact for any dealings with them; we will also be the family’s first point of contact if they have any issues or queries with the house, so we will screen out trivial requests, help to avoid any disputes, and help to ensure your communications are well-managed.
Funding and bridging
We can provide the bond + one month’s rent in advance, if required. If we find the right home before the family arrives and is able to move in, we could potentially provide a short period of 100% rental bridging to hold the property for them.
More information & contact details
Please contact Peter Wright, Housing Lead for Nidderdale Community Welcomes’ Community Sponsorship project